Ugrás a tartalomra
képzések szakkereső Regionális és környezeti gazdaságtan angol

Regionális és környezeti gazdaságtan angol

Fenntartható fejlődés
fenntarthatósági elemzések
fenntartható üzleti modellek
Képzés munkarendje
Oktatás nyelve
Képzési idő
4 félév
Képzés indulása
Ponthatár (legutóbbi)
Finanszírozási forma
Állami ösztöndíjas
Önköltség összege
350 000 Ft/félév

You can be an economic specialist who can speak a foreign language professionally, working TODAY for the future of tomorrow's generation.

Miért ezt a szakot válaszd?

The programme aims to train experts in environmental and regional economics, competent in analysing regional and sustainability-related problems, and propose novel solutions by putting their theoretical knowledge and acquired expertise to practice. Regional economics and management aspects of sustainability are important parts of the programme as well. Courses are highly workshop-oriented, where students may work together to focus local and regional aspects of actual global sustainability challenges.

Mi kell a sikeres felvételihez?

BSc/BA in the field of either Economics and/or Management or Engineering or Natural Sciences
In case of BA/BSc in Engineering or Natural Sciences, completion of a minimum of 60 ECTS (or equivalent) should be proven in the following areas of study:
- 20 ECTS in Quantitative Studies
- 20 ECTS in Economics and Management Studies
- 20 ECTS in Natural or Social Sciences

Applicants may be admitted with having completed 40 ECTS from the disciplines listed above; the remaining 20 ECTS need to be completed during the first year of the programme.

A proof of completion of the required ECTS credits is compulsory for all applicants, regardless their preliminary studies or the field of study (discipline) of their BA/BSc diploma.
B2 level command of English: a TOEFL iBT score of 88 and above, IELTS overall band 6.5 or above
Minimum level of language proficiency: Oral B2 / Written B2 - Entrance type both, type of exam electronic

Applicants will have to take an on-line entrance examination, consisting of two parts. Firstly, an entry assignment will have to be completed and submitted in writing electronically, which needs to be submitted and reviewed before the second part of the entrance exam. Secondly, a motivational interview will be conducted on-line, where students are expected to give an account of their prior interest, skills and trainings, but also, to express their motivation for joining the programme.

Miről szól a képzés?

Mesterszakunkon olyan szakemberek képzése a cél, akik képesek a területi, a környezeti és ezekkel összefüggésben a nemzetközi gazdasági folyamatok elemzésére, a közeljövő fenntarthatósági kihívásainak megoldására, összetett térségfejlesztési problémák és összefüggések felismerésére, stratégiák és programok kidolgozásában való alkotó és kreatív közreműködésre.

Mit fogsz tanulni?

During the master's program, you will touch on the following areas and topics:
Economics, Quantitative Methods, Environmental Economics, Regional Economics, Geoinformatics, Data Analytics, Sustainable Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, Sectoral Sustainability Studies, Environmental Management Systems, Methods of Regional and Environmental Analysis

Milyen szakmai kompetenciákkal fogsz gazdagodni?

Our experts will be capable of creatively and innovatively contributing to sustainability and regional policy-making, strategic planning and project programming, both in governments and in private enterprises.

Milyen területek közül választhatsz?

Available specilization:
Economist, specialisation in Regional and Environmental Economic Studies

Miből finanszírozd?

You can also participate in the university's MSc course at your own expense, for the payment of which you can use the university's scholarships. It is possible to reduce the self costs, receive social (financial) support and receive many performance-based scholarship benefits.
Take a look at the scholarship opportunities offered by the university!

Ösztöndíj lehetőségek